There was a lot to be thankful for this year in terms of music. Some credit staying at home with not much else to do. Others have shared that they were already working on new music when everything was shut down due to COVID19. The albums, and EP's that circulated were fantastic with many among our best of list. We will share the albums list next week. For this best of list, we wanted to share the singles, and songs that pulled us through this tenuous time be it through an uptempo danceable ditty or a wistful ode to a lost love and everything in between.
Our methodology for how the songs were picked is very straightforward. The listeners of the #StoneColdCountry show click on the heart icon on our web player when they like a song. We also counted the web chats, and website form sends stating a particular song was well received, and not just a general like for the artist. For the tie breakers, we let our member community vote through an emailed poll. In order to qualify, the songs were either on an album released in 2021 or a single that charted in 2021.The list is not in any particular order. We as a rule do not rank the songs or choose a top song for the year. As always, we ask you to follow the artists across social media, share their music across your accounts, buy their merchandise, and see them live whenever possible. And don't forget to share this post which will help music fans to discover awesome music, and expand the reach of the artists. Don't forget to subscribe to our blog here. Also, we are still working on this list y'all. Your patience is appreciated..
The Top 21 Singles/Songs of 2021
Luke Combs & Billy Strings
The Great Divide
Chris Bandi- Would Have Loved Her
Alan Jackson- Wishful Drinkin'
Britt Taylor & Dee White
Atleast There's No Babies
Elvie Shane-My Boy
Christone Kingfish Ingram Letter from Bluewater Man
Jon Wolfe
When the Good Ol Boys Age Out
Claudia Hoyser-Tried To Try
Dallas Moore- In My Last Days
Darrin Morris Band
Wrap You Up In Love
Eric Church-Lynyrd Skynyrd Jones
Caleb Daughtery
Another Restless Night
Mason Lively- Worry About Nothing
James Dupre- Miss A Moment
Jamie Richards
Whiskey's Working Well
Deryl Dodd- Outside Looking In
Ray Scott- Cold Day In Hell
Curtis Grimes-Noah Built a Boat
Carlos Washington's Steel Horse Swing- Party on Piedre Lumbre
Mickey Lamantia- Numb
Carly Pierce & Ashley McBryde
Never Wanted To Be That Girl
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